Thursday, December 26, 2013

Bad Blogger, Better Mom

So, I am still terrible at keeping up a blog, however I feel like I have greatly improved in my mothering aspects. The boys still don't get veggies and fruits for every meal, but more importantly, in my opinion, they get a lot more of my attention. I am *there* more. I don't spend every waking second on my iPad or phone. 
J continues to surprise me with his knowledge of words that we weren't seeing before. And he's also asking more for water than juice which is amazing since I couldn't get him to drink anything else for months. He still loves his trucks - of which he got a TON for Christmas - but he is moving on from them just being things with wheels that he can push around and now likes to take them apart and use them for other things, like hauling legos!
M is turning out to be a little math genius. He loves numbers and is counting by 2s without any instruction from me or his gramma. He even got some math Hot Dots for Christmas (a brand I highly recommend for reading, letter recognition etc and I will have to let you know later about the math ones). 
I got a really nice crock pot for Christmas and I'm looking for some new recipes or new ways to cook old recipes now! 
I hope everyone in blogland had a fantastic holiday!

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